
More than fashion choices for you in 2013

"There have actually been a lot of clothes out there that have been '80s inspired [like] really bright colored denim jeans," Harris explains. "Shoulder pads have come back in a big way so we are playing with it. What I love about having Carrie's mother's closet to play with http://www.dressesforpromcheap.com she's got a lot of '60s and '70s clothes in there … so we are going to have that sort of how Carrie Bradshaw becomes the girl who does vintage mixed with couture." 

But it's been more than fashion choices that have helped the producers stay authentic to the time period. "We work really hard when we are on the streets of Manhattan," Harris says, of producing the show, which made its debut Monday on http://www.dressesforpromcheap.com/la-femme-c-1.html. "We travel with what we call our '80s kit with some graffiti, trash, gross garbage cans. The '80s was very different in Manhattan. It wasn't pretty Times Square. It was scary Times Square. We have to green screen out some stuff where we see in the background there's a 646 number on a building. Those numbers didn't exist.

Now that "Zero Dark Thirty" has appeared in cinemas nationwide, many people have asked me if I was surprised by the brouhaha that surrounded the film while it was still in limited release, when many thoughtful people were characterizing it in wildly contradictory ways. The Times asked me to elaborate on recent statements I've made in response to these issues. I'm not sure I have anything new to add, but I can try to be concise and clear.

First of all: I support every American's 1st Amendment right to create works of art and speak their conscience without http://www.dressesforpromcheap.com/night-moves-c-2.html. As a lifelong pacifist, I support all protests against the use of torture, and, quite simply, inhumane treatment of any kind. But I do wonder if some of the sentiments alternately expressed about the film might be more appropriately directed at those who instituted and ordered these U.S. policies, as opposed to a motion picture that brings the story to the screen.

